By day Andrew "Peanut" Langford is a mild-mannered software guru. By night, he’s a furious drummer and impassioned home improvement specialist. Not only are he and bass man Sam astrological brothers, they are fraternity brothers as well. This makes for an unstoppable rhythm section. His favorite song on the album is The Sweet Science.

By day, Sam "Sama Lama" Avery is an intern architect. By night, he’s a recently licensed bassist. Sam is a Cancer (not to the band, it’s just his astrological sign). This means he is seeks family, security and the almighty groove. His favorite song on the album is Bright Mornings.

Chris "Not From Coldplay" Martin is an air traffic controller and aerial keyboard artist. Although easily confused with another famous keyboardist of the same name, Chris has never consciously uncoupled from anyone named Gwyneth. He is a Leo. To him, love is king. His favorite song on the album is Rapid Transportation.

Rachel “Rae Chill” Christia is an intercontinental jet-setter and veteran singer/tambourinist. As is fitting of a Leo, Rachel is a ball of dynamic energy, always drawn to the spotlight. She surrounds herself with as much luxury as is possible. Her favorite track on the album is When You Hear That Song.

Gavin “G-Bird” Snider plays guitar and sings songs. He enjoys drawing pictures of buildings and bands. Gavin is a Scorpio - he feels emotions intensely and must sing sad songs! His favorite of those tearjerkers on the album is I Need You.